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Jamie Vos Love is an international psychic medium, galactic channeler, activator, guide and celestial shaman. A go to guide for visionary leaders shaping the future, Jamie supports raising consciousness, uniting Lightworkers and Starseeds, channeling messages and gift expansion. She has completed thousands of readings and has mentored hundreds of others on how to expand their abilities. Jamie is the creator of Starseed Ascension, Intergalactic Convergence/Codes of Ascension, co-creator of Unleash Your Power Academy, author of 15 Sacred Ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Host of the Starseed Ascension show on the Un-X Network (radio+live streaming). She has interviewed Dr. Linda Backman, Alan Steinfield, Debbie Solaris, Ella Lebain, Craig Campobasso and more. Jamie has been a Medium on Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, a guest on the Hannibal TV Show and Live from Hollywood, It's Paranormal Tonight. She was a Starseed/ET panel speaker at the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, KC MUFON Speaker, an Activator for the 1111 Gateway event sponsored by Eesha Patel in partnership with Gaia, and is a founding member of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. Jamie is currently working on her next book and conscious media projects. 

I had a profound awakening experience 15 years ago that gave me a glimpse of what we are all working collectively toward in our Ascension. I received a blast of unconditional love for myself and others, a connection to everyone, the Earth, plants, trees, animals and the cosmos. In that moment I felt forgiveness and deep gratitude for everything. No fear, shame or guilt. Total oneness. Divine Ecstasy. Our birthright. The experience reactivated my spiritual gifts and took me on a deep inner healing journey where I was able to release density in the body and transmute energies. This opened the gates to communications with many realms, including ETs, but first I went through a dark night of the soul. After rising from the ashes, my first experience connecting with my Andromedan Family and Guide, Pattoo, changed my life. From there it expanded to many star systems and the Galactic Federation of Light. This is when I was shown my purpose and that there were other “Guardians of the Ship” or Starseeds, all here to play an exciting role. I would help build “radio towers” to enhance communications with Galactics and help raise frequency by way of many multidimensional services such as activating light codes.


I would help remind people that we are unconditionally loved and all connected, that it was an important time here on Earth, that we are healing, that this process is supported by God and Angels, that this process requires us to work with our intergalactic allies and families, and that there is nothing to fear, it is really quite amazing.


Initially, these galactic messages and encounters came to me both spontaneously and through meditation. Often, I would be in the kitchen, when suddenly my ears would begin to heat up. I would then receive a ringing noise in one or both ears and knew intuitively to grab a paper and pen and go to the high vibrational energy of my meditation room. The messages would begin coming through as soon as I sat down. I was guided to quit my corporate job and simply trust by taking a leap of faith.  I later worked with plant medicine which deepened my experience because as I continued releasing my own densities, my channel cleared up even more. Through plant medicine, I received crucial training for learning how to adjust frequencies in the lower astrals, including 3rd and 4th densities. Since then I have served in the Multidimensional Healing space offering energy, clearing attachments/entities, soul retrieval, frequency adjustments, plant medicine healing, readings, activations and mentorship of gift development. I channel messages that offer support, guidance and healing. More importantly, I help people further develop their innate gifts and to trust what comes through their channel. I also host a Starseed community where we work through Ascension symptoms, activate light codes, connect with Star Families, promote leadership and support one another on our journeys. I work closely with Galactics, Angelics and Loved ones from the other side bringing messages through as guided. 


We all hold the power inside.

Think Big.

Think Bigger.

Think Globally. 


Embody your Divine Wisdom. 

"I came here to help remind people who they are, and to help redistribute an important message, one song, the song of love." Jamie Vos Love

"Our Presence is Stronger than Your Fears." Arcturian Council


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Los Angeles + International 

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